What is information? Difference between data and information Examples of information

Question:- What is information?
Answer: The process data is called information. Information is an organized and processed from of data. It is more meaningful than  data and is used for making decision. Data is used as input for the processing and information is the output of this processing This information can be used again in some other processing and will be considered as data in that processing.


Examples of information:
1: In colleges and universities, the raw facts about students are stored on admission forms. If we want to find out a list of all students who live in Faisalabad, we will apply some processing on this data. This processing will give the desired list. This list is a form of processed data and will be called information.
2: The data stored in census is used to generate different type of information. For example Government can use it to find total number of graduates or literacy rate in country etc.

Answer:-The difference between data and information as follows:

1: Data is consist of unprocessed facts.
2: Data is used as input in the computer.
3: Data is not meaningful.
4: Data is normally huge in volume.
5: Data is the assets of an organization and is not available to sale for people.
6:Data is difficult and even impossible to reproduce.
7: Data is used rarely.
8: Data is an independent entity.
9: data is not used in decision making.

1: Information is the processed form of data.
2: Information is the output of the computer.
3: Information is meaningful.
4: Information is normally short in volume.
5: Information if normally available to people for sale.
6: Information is easier to reproduce if lost.
7: Information if used frequently.
8: Information depends on data.
9: Information is very important for decision making.

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