What is DATA?

Q: What is DATA?
ANS: A collection of facts and figures is called data. The word raw means that the facts have not yet been processed to get their exact meaning. Data is collected from different sources. It is collected for different purposes. Data is vital source of an organization.

1. When students get admission in a college/universities they submit admission forms.
2. During census, GOVT collect public information.
3. Different organization conduct different surways for their products etc.

Theses was simple examples of DATA.


Q: Types of DATA in database.
      Define different DATA Types

ANS: Data may be consist of the following data types:

1- Numeric DATA:
Numeric data consists of numeric digits form 0 to 9 like 4213 OR -97. The numeric types of data may either be positive or negative.

2- Alphabetic Data:
Alphabetic data consists of alphabetic letters from A to Z, a to z and blank spaces e.g. "Studspk Free Notes", "Mansab Khan", "Muslims" etc.

3- Alphanumeric Data:
Alphanumeric data consists of numeric digit from 0 to 9 , letters A to Z and all special characters like +, % and @ etc. Like "90%", "$199" etc.

4- Image Data:
This type of data include charts, graphs, pictures and drawings. This form of data is more comprehensive. It can be transmitted as set of bits.

5- Audio Data:
Sound is representation of audio. Audio data includes music, speech or any type of sound.

6- Video Data:
Video is a set of full motion images played at a high speed. Video is used to display actions and movements.


Tags:  Database questions, Free Download database question answers, detail note on Data.