What is Computer? What are its important hardware components in computers

A computer is a machine that can be programmed to accept data, process it, into useful information, and store it for later use. Computer is combination of two things hardware and software. Computer works according to set of instructions given to it. This set of instructions is called software. Physical components of computer are called hardware. We can touch, see and feel the hardware. The hardware of computer can be divided into following types

Input Devices:

Data and instructions are entered into computer with the help of input devices. Input devices accept data in the form that can be used by computer.
It is the main component of computer. It processes data and converts it in to useful Information. Processor executes instructions of a program.
Output Devices:
 These devices are used to SYK»W processed data in the form that user wants. Examples of output devices are Printer. Speaker. Monitor etc.
Secondary Storage Devices:
These are hardware components where data is stored for reuse in future. For example, Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, etc. 

I/O Devices:
These devices are used for input as well as for output. Terminals and Touch Screens are example of I/O Devices.
Main Memory:
Main Memory is also called RAM. It is used during execution of programs.
Inter Connectors:
These are used to connect different components of a computer. For example, cables, Ports, Buses etc.
Networking Devices:

The hardware devices that are used to make and manage networks are called Networking Devices. For example, modem. bridge. router etc.

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