Q. What is Information Technology?

Q. What is Information Technology? 
Information Technology:
Information plays a very important role. in every field of life. Information is required to solve different problems of life. In our daily life we need different type of information. For example, a student wants to know about his result. Result is announced. A student wants to know last year's merit of diff colleges. A student wants to know about the fee structure and rules and -regulations of different colleges. A student needs all this information to take admission in college.

There must be some way to get required information easily. We have to get required information in less Information Should Information Technology solves Information Tech ology acetified as "The technology that combines computing with high education communication links to carrying data in the form of text, sound. image, video etc. from one place to another".

Computers are linked as a network. On these links data can be transferred from one place to another very fast speed. These links are also used tor communication. Data and information in one computer is easily available to linked computers.
Due to these linked computers our world become a global.

With the help of linked computers, we can send large data. information and communicate with a person, in any part of the world, as we Store living in a village. Due to information technology information can be among peoples of different cities, countries and subcontinents.

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