Chp-1 Basics of Information Technology (Short Questions)

 Short Questions
Q. What is Data?
A collection of raw facts and figures is called data. Data is collected from different ways. It is not Useful. meaningful and cannot be used for decision making. Data may be in the form of numbers, characters, symbols; sounds etc.
Q. What is Data Processing?
The process of convening data in to useful information is called data processing.    For example, arithmetic operations, Logical ions. Searching of data. etc.
Q. What is Information?
The processed data is called information. Information is useful- and meaningful It can be used for decision-making Data is used as input for data processing. Information is output of data process.
Q. What is Information Technology?
Information technology is defined as "The technology that combines computing with high speed communication links for carrying data in form of text, sound. image. video etc.
Q. What is Digital Convergence?
Due to information technology, different organizations, industries and institutions are linked with each other. They can exchange information with each other.
Q. What is Computer?
A computer is machine that can be programed to accept data (Input). Process it (Processing) in to useful information.
Q. What is Hardware.
Physical components of computer called hardware. We can touch, see feel the hardware. Hard is used for input, output, processing and storage.
Q. What is Software?
The set of instructions given to computer to solve a specific problem is called Software. Software is also called computer program
Q. What is System Software?
The program that is necessary for the working of computer is called the system software. System software controls the different parts of computer. Computer cannot work without system software.
Q. What is Application Software?
These are programs that are designed to solve some problems users. They help the user to perform specific task.
Q. What is Operating System?
It is a system program that manages all resources of computer. Computer cannot work without operating system. DOS and Windows are example of operating system.
Q. What is Utility Program?
These are system programs that are used to perform some specific task. Antivirus is an example of utility program.
Q. What is Customized Software?
This software is to solve specific problem of a user. These are developed a customer or an organization.
Q. Define Package Software.
Package software is developed for general public. They solve some common problem that is faced by many peoples. For example, Word processors. Spread Sheet. Graphics and communication programs.
Q. What is Input?
The data and instructions given to computer to perform a specific task are called input. Input is given to-computer with input devices.
Q. What are Input Devices.
The devices that are used to enter data and instructions is are called input devicisÀtnpu1 devices rake data-and instruction.
Q. What are the types or Input Devices?
There are two types of input devices
Direct Input Devices
Indirect Input Devices
Q. What is a keyboard?
Keyboard is the most commonly used input device. The buttons on the keyboard arc called keys. A keyboard contains more than 100 keys.
Q. What do you mean by QWERTY?
The standard keyboard is called "QWERTY" keyboard. This-is-because-of the first six keys on top row of alphabet are Q. W.E.R.T.Y
Q. What are Pointing Devices?
A pointer is a small symbol that appears on the screen in graphical user interface. A pointing device is an input device that is used to control the position of the pointer or cursor on the screen.
Q. What is Mouse?
It is a small lightweight input device. It is moved on a flat surface to control the movement of the cursor on screen. It has two or three buttons at its top, to perform a specific task with mouse. First pointer is moved to a certain place. Then these buttons are used. 
Q. What is Trackball?
It is also a pointing device. It is similar to mouse. It can be used as an alternative to a mouse. It is a stationary device. It has a rolling ball on the top. The hall is rolled with figure. Rolling the ball controls the position of cursor. Track ball need less space.
Q. What is Touch pad?
A touch pad is a small. flat surface. This surface is sensitive go pressure and motion. Sliding the fingers on touch pad moves the pointer on the screen. It also has one or more buttons. These buttons are close to the tough pad. These buttons are work like mouse buttons.
Q. What is Touch Screen?
It is a video display screen. Input is given by touching the screen at some specific place. It is covered with a plastic layer. Behind the plastic layer. there is beam of light. The user enters data by touching icons or menus on the screen. Touch Screen is often used in ATM, Tablet PC and PDA etc.
Q. What is Barcode Reader?
Barcode reader is an input device. It is a source data entry device. It is used to read barcode.
Q. What is MICR?
MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It is used to read text that is printed by using magnetized ink. It is used in hanks for processing cheques. Each cheque contains MIRC characters at the lower left edge.
Q. What is OMR
OMR stands or Optical Marks Recognition. These are used to read special marks or symbols printed on paper. OMR is used to read answer sheets of objective type examination. OMR uses a light beam to read data and convert in to  signals. These signals are sent to computer for processing.
Q. What is OCR?
OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. OCR reads printed characters and converts into digital code that is by computer. OCR is used to read utility bills and price tags in departmental stores.
Q. What is Magnetic Stripe Card? 
It is a card that has a strip of magnetically encoded data on its back. They are used for personal identifications during driving, departmental stores, at public places etc.
Q. What smart Card?
A smart card looks like a credit card. This card contains a microprocessor and a memory chip. This card is used into a 'special card reader. The card reader can read and update its Contents.
Q. What is Facsimile?
A Fax machine is also called facsimile transmission machine. It uses telephone line to send images to another fax machine- It scans-an image printed on paper, converts it in to electrical Signals and sends ii to another fax machine. The receiving fax machine converts the signals in to an image and print on paper.
Q. What is Digital Camera?
Digital Camera takes picture and stores it in digital format: The shape of digital camera is like an ordinary camera. It uses a light sensitive processor chip. It stores digital images on a storage media like Floppy Disk, P, C. Card.
Q. What is Pointing stick?
A pointing stick is a pressure sensitive pointing device. Its shape is like pencil eraser. It exists between G, H and B keys of keyboard. When user pushes pointing stick in different directions the pointer the screen moves.
Q. What is Graphics Tablet?
A digitizing tablet is also called digitizer. It consists of a flat board and a stylus or puck. The stylus or puck is cither Wireless or connected to the tablet "ire. A stylus is a pen like device used to create sketches and images. A puck is device that is used to copy image. It is also used to make drawing. We make best drawings with tablet
Q. What is Light Pen?
A light pen is a hand held pointing device. It looks a pen. connected by wire with computer. It information to computer When touches the pen on specific of a mostly graphics designer illustrators use light pen.
Q. What is Joystick?
It is also a pointing device. It has a vertical handle mounted On a base with two buttons. The movement of pointer is controlled by vertical handle. some computer added design systems
Q. What is Pen-Based System?
These systems use a pen like stylus. With help of stylus can write on the computer screen. We do not need typing from keyboard with the help of this system, student may be able to notes in class with out and ink. We can connect electronic white board of the classroom with student's computer.
Q. What are Source Data Entry Devices?
The devices that are used for direct data entry to computer system are called source data entry devices. There is fast input devices- We can enter data very quickly and efficiently.
Q. Define Barcode.
Bar code an identification code. It consists of vertical lines and spaces of different width. Bar Code represents data Information is displayed on different products in the form of bar code. Bar code is also called "Universal Product Code".
Q. Which technologies are used in Flat Panel Display Screens?
Flat panel monitors are lightweight, take less space and consume less power than CRT monitors. There are three types of display screens.
           Liquid Crystal Display
           Electronic Luminescent Display Gas
           Plasma Display
Q. What is a printer?
A printer is a hardware device. It is used to print characters. symbols and graphics on paper. The printed output is called copy output.
Q. What are different types of Printers?
Printers are divided in to two types
1. Impact Printers
2. Non-Impact Printers
Q. What are Impact Printers?
An impact printer prints text or images by sticking a hammer or wheel against an inked due to strike of hammer images or characters appear on Screen.
Q. What are Non-Impact Printers?
Non-Impact Printer prints text and graphics without sticking hammer or wheel on paper. They use different technologies for printing.
Q. What is Dot-Matrix Printer?      
It is an impact printer. It has a print head containing small pins. These pins strike on an inked ribbon against paper and make a character or image. print heads are available. with 9,18 or 24 pins. Higher the number of pins. faster is the speed of printing.
Q. What is Daisy Wheel Printer?
Daisy Wheel printer uses a "heel called daisy Wheel. The wheel has a series of petals. There is a character at the end of each petal. This wheel can rotate when a specific petal comes in front of paper a hammer striker on the petal. The petal strikes on an inked ribbon and character is printed on paper. It is slower than dot matrix but better in quality.
Q. What are basic Units of Data Storage?
The binary number I or 0 is called a bit. It is the basic unit for storing data in computer memory. It is the smallest unit of data storage. One bit takes one storage location in memory.
Q. What is a System?
A system can be defined as the combination of different components that interact with each other to perform specific tasks. To perform different tasks in system different procedures are used.
Q, Define SDI-C.
SDLC stands for system development life cycle. It is an organized way of developing successful computerized system. SDLC consists of different phase.
Q. Define Preliminary Investigation?
This is the first phase of SDLC. In this phase the initial analysis of the system is performed. 
Q. What is Preliminary Plan?
In this Stage we make a feasibility report. In which all-important information is provided: It is submitted to the top management of the organization. They take decision about the system after studying this report.
Q. What is the purpose of System Analysis?
In this phase the current system- is studied in detail. Its purpose prepare specification for new system.
Q. What are data gathering techniques?
The following techniques are used for this purpose.
           Written Documents
           Questionnaires Observations
Q. What is the purpose of Interviewing?
The analyst conduct interview of concerning persons of ad organization and tries to know the required information about current system. The questions asked in interviews must be precise and relevant.
Q. What is the use of Questionnaires?
Some time it is difficult to control an interview. so questionnaires designed to collect useful information. It is very convenient method of getting information.
Q. What is Analysis Report?
At the end of analysis phase analysis report is generated. It is presented to higher management. Analysis three parts. These parts are
           It explains current system,
           It tells the problems of current system.
           It the requirements for new
Q. What is the purpose or Coding Phase?
In this phase system is developed. System is divided in to parts. Each is developed separately. These combined to make a complete This phase needs a lot of time and budget. Programmer is the person who in this phase. The program specifications are given to programmer. Pro writes code according to given specification.
Q. Why is Test Phase?
When the system is developed testing phase starts. It is very important phase. The main purpose of testing is to detect and remove errors in the stem.
Q. What is Parallel Implementation?
In this type of implementation new and old system are used side by the results of both systems are compared. When the new system starts old System is stopped.
Q. What is Pilot Implementation?
In this type of implementation only some selected persons can use All workers cannot use new system.
Q. What is Phased Implementation?
In this of implementation different parts of system are implemented at different times. Gradually whole system is implemented.
Q. What is Direct Implementation?
The user stops working on old system and starts working on new system.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well manufacturer app
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