ICS part 2 5 years Old papers abstract

Computer Science 2nd 5 Years old paper till 2015

MS. Access short questions

1.      What is secondary key? 2T
2.      Define entity.
3.      What is meant by database integrity? 2T
4.      What is relationship? Give an example. 2T
5.      Differentiate between partial independency and transitive dependency. 2T
6.      How a referential integrity achieved? 2T
7.      Give different parts of MS. Access application windows. 2T
8.      Determine three problems in tradition file systems.
9.      Define the term of report. 2T
10.  Define data redundancy.
11.  List important proposes of query language. 2T
12.  State the purpose of index file. 2T
13.  Which activities are involved in analysis? 2T
14.  What is meant by synonym?
15.  How is a query is written?
16.  Define the term degree of  a relation. 3T
17.  Which two database object can be used to create report?
18.  What is data?
19.  What is a field?
20.  Define data set.
21.  What is view?
22.  What is data modeling?
23.  How entity integrity is maintained? 2T
24.  What is the use of MS Access?
25.  What is query? 2Ts
26.  What is the use of data sheet view? 2T
27.  Define list box.
28.  List the file types from usage point of views.
29.  Define program file with example.
30.  What is file organization?
31.  Define the term of table or relation.
32.  What is an entity in an ERD?
33.  Who is end user?
34.  Define insertion anomaly.
35.  Describe menu bar.
36.  Define the term RDBMS.
37.  How a new record is added to a table data sheet view?
38.  Write any two advantages of a form.
39.  Define infinity.
40.  Determine three problems in traditional file system.
41.  Differentiate between auto number and number.

C language
1.      What is the use of “getch” function? 2T
2.      What is control string in printf function? 2T
3.      What is the purpose of % C format specification?
4.      What are the basic control structure for writing program? 2T
5.      Write the syntax of function definition.
6.      Differentiate between function definition and function declaration.
7.      Define built in function.
8.      Write the syntax of for loop.
9.      Define function.
10.  Trace the output of the following:
K = 0
While ( K < = 5)
            Printf (“Hello”);
            K = k +1
11.  Define standard output.
12.  What is preprocessor directive?
13.  List different type of errors in C programs.
14.  Write the following statement in C code: Score is between 50 and 60 inclusive
If a = 15 and a + = 3, what is new value of a ?
15.  What is object code?
16.  Name the type of pre-processor directives.
17.  Define compiler.
18.  Why are comments used in C language?
19.  Define variable in C.
20.  Write two rules for naming a variable in C.
21.  What is stdio.h?
22.  What will be the output of the following code?
int a = 9;
a =a % 4;
printf ( “\n  %d is Result 0

23.  Trace error in the following code:
# include (stdio.h)
Void main ()
float n;
scanf (“ % d “, &n);
Printf (“The number is % f”, n);
24.  What is meant by the switch statement?
25.  What is if-else structure?
26.  Trace out error in following code
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conin.h>
void main (
if (16 7 10) then
printf (“% C ”, “Pakistan”);
getch ();
27.  Define go to statement.
28.  Define sentinel loop.
29.  Trace the output of the following code.
int n;
for (n = 10, n <= 15, n + +)
printf (“%d \n ”, ++n);
30.  Differentiate between local and global variables.
31.  What is meant by function definition?
32.  How data is stored in binary files.
33.  What is assembler?
34.  Explain constant macro with example.
35.  What do you know about C Statements.
36.  Define an expression with example.
37.  Find the error in the code:
                        # include <stdio.h>
                        void main (); {
X = 20
Y = 40
Z = X + Y
Printf (“%d”,z)
Getch( ) ; }
38.  What is increment operator?
39.  What is the use of scanf ( ) function? Write syntax.
40.  What is format specifier? Write example:
41.  Explain clrscr ( ) function.
42.  Trace the output:
void main ( ) {
char w1, w2, w3;
w1 = ‘A’;
w2 = ‘B’;
w3 = ‘C’;
printf ( “ %c %c w3”, w1, w2);
getch ( ) ;}
43.  List some important functions for output.
44.  Trace the output
Void main (  ) {
Int a, b, temp;
a = 10;
b = 20;
temp = b;
b = a;
a = temp;
printf (“%d \n”,a);
printf (“%d \n”,b);
getch ( ) ; }
45.  Write the syntax of condition operator.
46.  What do you mean by selection?
47.  What is the output of the following statement:
‘B’ ?
if ( grade = = ‘A’} {grade = = ‘B’ && grade = = ‘C’
printf ( “Fail”);
printf (“Pass”);
48.  Trace the error in the following code:
Void main (void);
int (x > y);
printf (“X is the largest ”);
printf (“Y is the largest”)
getch ( );
49.  Write the output of the following program fragments.
n = 0;
while ( n < = 4)
printf (“%3d %3d \n”,n,10 - -n);
n + +;
50.  What is “goto” statement?
51.  Describe user defined function.
52.  List some benefits of using function.
53.  Define pointer.
54.  Differentiate between logical error and syntax error.
55.  What are header files?
56.  What is programming languge?
57.  What is an identifier? Give an example.
58.  What is variable initialization?
59.  What is the use of assignment statement?
60.  What is the use of printf() funct-ion?
61.  Define escape sequences.
62.  Define standard input.
63.  Write three advantages of switch statement.
64.  What happen if break is missed in case block?
65.  Make a flowchart of While loop.
66.  What do you mean by function call?
67.  How a function returns value?
68.  Compare binary and text stream.
69.  Write an expression in C language for age is from 15 to 18:
70.  Predict the following code output:
int p, q, r;
p = 10;
q= 3;
if (p % q == 3);
r = 0;
else r = 1;
printf (“% d ”,r);
71.  How many time will the following loop display the “Hellow”.
for (int i = 20; i > =0; I - -)
printf (“Hellow“);
72.  Define infinite loop.
73.  Produce the syntax of while loop with example.
74.  What do you mean by scope of global variable.
75.  List some benefits of using functions.
76.  Compare binary and text stream.
77.  Define a pointer.

C language Long
1.      Write a note on real data types in C-Language.
2.      Write a program that input a Number and check whether it is positive, negative or zero.
3.      Can we use if and GOTO statement to construct a loop structure? If yes, then how? Explain with example.
4.      Explain the following with example.
a.       (i) overflow     (ii) underflow  (iii) Range and precision.
5.      What is control structure? Briefly describe the basic control structures for write program.
6.      Write a program to produce the following output.
0          1
0          1          4
0          1          4          9
0          1          4          9          16
0        1    4          9          16        25

7.      What is data type? Discuss different data types in C . language.
8.      Write a program that input a number from the user and determines whether it is positive, negative or zero.
9.      Briefly describe the types of loops used in c. language.
10.  What is program and programming language? Discuss two main categories of programming language.
11.  Write a program which input three numbers, and display largest number.
12.  What is “While” loop? Write its syntax. Explain its working with example.
13.  Describe characteristics of high level programming language.
14.  Write a program that inputs a character and checks whether it is vowel of consonant using switch statement.
15.  What is do-while loop? Write the syntax. Explain its working with example.

MS Access 8 Marks
1.      What are ingredients of data modeling? Explain with example.
2.      Discuss different methods of modifying a table.
3.      Define a key. Discuss in detail different types of keys used in database is IDE? What are the advantages.
4.      Define data processing. What activates are involved in data processing? Discuss in detail.
5.      What is query? Discuss its uses and advantages.
6.      What are the database anomalies? Briefly describe insertion, deletion and modification anomalies.
7.      What is form? Write the procedure to create forms in design view.
8.      Define a key. Define details of different types of keys used in database with example.
9.      What is IDE? What are the advantage of using MS. Access IDE?

1.      Explain the procedure to extract data from two tables.
2.      Explain the procedure to create form by using wizard mode.
3.      Write a program to calculate average of three numbers and shows result on screen in C language.
4.      Write a program that displays first 10 odd numbers in C language.
5.      Write a program to add two numbers using functions in C language.
6.      Explain the procedure to apply primary key on table.
7.      Explain the procedure for creating simple form.
8.      Write a program that ads two numbers and shows the sum on screen in C language.
9.      Write a program that display counting from 1 to 10 using while loop in C-language.
10.  Write a program that accepts distance in kilometer and converts into meter by using function in c language.

5 years old paper ics computer science
free download ics past papers
ICS free notes, ICS old papers part 2

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