Interesting Facts of Biology

  • Importance of Water: 70 % to 90 % of all living things are composed of water.
  • Yelling for 8 years, 7 months, and 6 days, produces enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
  • An ant is capable of lifting 50 times its own weight and pulling 30 times its own weight.
  • Jump of an elephant can cause earthquakes of 2.5 rector scale. Thanks to Allah that it cant jump.
  • Red colour of blood: Due to Iron.
  • Human Bones: 206  Born Baby Bones: 350
  • Largest single living organism: Honey Mushroom fungus covering 8.4 km and growing for 2,400 years.
  • Hydra: Never gets old. Can live forever.
  • Humans share 60% of DNA with a banana.
  • A red blood cell takes 20 seconds to circulate around the human body.
  • A kangaroo rat can spend its entire life without drinking water. While Dolphins and whales don't drink water.
  • Length of thumb: Same as your nose.
  • As much as 70% oxygen in our atmosphere is produced by marine plants and algae.
  • Biomass of all bacteria on Earth is more than all the plants and animals combined.
  • Nerve Impulse Speed: 120meter / second.
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