Computer Science Class-IX 9th Chapter 04

Computer science class ix notes  9th class board pattern model paper
Computer science Chapter No-04 Important questions, if you attempt these question you will get InshaAllah 100% marks.

(Chapter-04 Storages Devices) Important MCQs

Q.1: Choose the correct option:                                                                                  15

1.   1MB of data is equal to:
A. 210 bytes
B. 220 bytes
C. 230 bytes
D. None of them
2. We can access data from a secondary storage device with:
A. Two way
B. Three way
C. Four way
D. All of them
3. A stepper motor rotates:
A. Head
B. Disk Motor
C. Gear Shaft
D. None of them
4. Access is equal to :
A. Seek time
    -Rotational Delay
B. Compact and beautiful
C. Popular pointing device
D. None of them
5. In magnetic types , last bit is used to store:
A. Parity Bit
B. Sign Bit
D. None of them
6. On FDD there is small indicator light that stays ………...during read / write data on it?
C. Blinking
D. None of them
7. Which is not the feature of
A. Expensive
B. Slow Access
C. Small Capacity
D. None of them
8. Direct Access is also Known as:
A. Sequential Access
B. Serial Access
C. Random Access
D. None of them
9. The drive makes the track and sector on the disk during:
A. Low level Formatting
B. Medium level  Formatting
C. High level Formatting
D. None of them
10. All the tracks with same track number make:
A. Drum
B. Cone
C. Cylinder
D. None of them
11.Tape storage is:
A. Slower then HD
B. Faster then HD
C. Direct Access
D. None of them
12. Primary memory is directly accessible to the
A. Processor
B. Other components
C. User
D. None of them
13. The collection of bytes is simply named as:
A. Stack
B. File
C. Framer
 D. None of them
14. The memory used inside the CPU is:
D. None of them
15. The data writren an EPROM can be erased by:
A. Alpha Rays
B. Beta Rays
C. Gamma Rays
D. Ultraviolet Rays

Q.2: Answer the following short questions: (10x2=20)
      1.   Define cache memory/
      2.   What is difference between SRAM and DRAM?
  1. Compare primary memory with secondary memory?
  2. What is difference between high level Formatting and low level Formatting?
  3. What is seek time?
  4. Define EPROM?
  5. What is the difference between MSB and LSB?
  6. What is the difference between rotational delay and transfer delay?
  7. What is the difference between a track and a sector?
  8. Define access time?
Detail the following.
(a)    Describe in detail working and purpose of compact disks?                    7.5
(b)   How does memory works?                                                                      7.5